Share How You're Building A Stronger Water Future for Colorado

Share Your Success Story!

Colorado’s water touches every aspect of our daily lives, and it is facing unprecedented challenges that require all Coloradans to embrace a new water ethic. We must come together to protect this critical resource in increasingly innovative ways. The time for action is now.

Sharing your story about resilience, grit, and creative problem-solving to face our water challenges is one of the most powerful tools you have to build a stronger water future for Colorado. Story telling gives us an opportunity to learn from another person's experience and it can inspire us, and strengthen or challenge

Share Your Success Story!

Colorado’s water touches every aspect of our daily lives, and it is facing unprecedented challenges that require all Coloradans to embrace a new water ethic. We must come together to protect this critical resource in increasingly innovative ways. The time for action is now.

Sharing your story about resilience, grit, and creative problem-solving to face our water challenges is one of the most powerful tools you have to build a stronger water future for Colorado. Story telling gives us an opportunity to learn from another person's experience and it can inspire us, and strengthen or challenge our opinions and values. When a story catches our attention it can be a powerful tool to help share knowledge and inspire others.

Click on the Stories and/or Maps Tabs below to share your story.

Share Your Story: Click on the "Stories" tab below. Enter a title that captures the story, your name, and images that help show the story. For the text itself, include any interesting background (how your story came to be), and any measures of success (example: how much water you saved). Submitted stories will first be emailed privately to CWCB staff, who will reach out with any questions before removing personal contact information and posting to the website. If you prefer to keep your story private, just let CWCB know when you submit the story. CWCB will also reach out to individuals with exceptional stories to inquire about using them in state communications resources.

Map: In addition to sharing your story, tell us where you live in the "Map" tab. Click on the "plus" sign to add a pin and then drag the pin to the location of your story, choose which type of story you told, and leave a comment with the title of your story or a summary of it.

Tell Us Your Story

Help us build a library of stories from Coloradan's like you about how you have taken action to help secure your water future.

Write your story and submit pictures below.  A moderator will review each story and then you'll receive a notification when your story has been published.

Thank you for sharing your story with us. If you have questions or would like more information please email

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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  • My son being treated unfair.

    by Shellie, 8 months ago
    My son has paranoid schizophrenia and because the crisis in her mobile team will not detain Him to the hospital this has always worked for him in the Past to get stable.I don't have a choice but to set him app to go to jail to save his life.And this is quite often because every time he has a crisis And he's not even a Criminal he has no prior record.He doesn't steal from people's stores are getting any trouble And this is made him a felon.I feel this is a form of abuse It could not be good for... Continue reading
  • Saving Water by Keeping Food Out of the Landfill

    by wdwAllie, over 2 years ago

    At We Don't Waste we increase food access and protect the planet by rescuing and repurposing food, while educating and advocating to increase food security and decrease food waste.

    Why Food Waste?

    In the United States, 40% of all food produced ends up in the landfill, wasting the labor and resources used to produce the food. Additionally, once in the landfill, food waste slowly decomposes (it can take a head of lettuce up to 25 years to decompose in a landfill!) where it releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas. While reducing food waste has become a popular topic in regards... Continue reading

  • Youth Corps supports Watershed Restoration

    by Mile High Youth Corps , over 2 years ago

    Mile High Youth Corps (MHYC) partnered with the High Line Canal Conservancy to restore the High Line Canal by mapping, inventorying, and removing 115 invasive Russian olive trees from 14 miles of the corridor. As one of the longest (over 71 miles) continuous urban trails in the country, the Canal twists through the most populated area of Colorado while crossing multiple and varied communities. Over 350,000 residents reside within one mile of the Canal and annually more than 500,000 people use the Canal as a recreational asset.

    During 2022, through the support of CWCB, 19 young adults served on a... Continue reading

  • Water Efficiency Measures Improving Lives

    by Mile High Youth Corps, over 2 years ago

    Elaina and her two children had not been using the shower in their home for almost six years due to a broken showerhead. Although water would flow out of the showerhead, the water pressure was barely existent. As a result, the family would go to public pools and gyms just to shower. Elaina’s son would never want to shower at home because it would take so long, and when he would get soap in his eyes it was very difficult to wash out. It would take Elaina 45 minutes to shower at home while it would only take 10 minutes... Continue reading

  • Youth Job Training Through Water Conservation in Homes Across the Front Range

    by Mile High Youth Corps, over 2 years ago

    Mile High Youth Corps’ Energy & Water Conservation program trains young adults, called Corpsmembers, to provide in-home conservation services to income-qualifying households. During home service visits, Corpsmembers conduct an audit to determine ways the resident can improve their energy and water consumption while also coaching them on conservation behavior. Based on the home’s needs, Corpsmembers install energy and water efficiency upgrades that same day. Thanks to CWCB funding, Since September of 2021 Corpsmembers have conducted 387 audits and installed 465 ultra-high efficiency toilets, 176 low-flow showerheads, and 285 faucet aerators. This program not only allows Colorado residents to save money... Continue reading

  • Cuidar el agua es muy fácil

    by Sophia Hernandez, over 2 years ago

    Mi nombre es Sophia, tengo 6 años y mi historia de conservación de agua que quiero compartirles es muy sencilla y fácil de hacer:

    Yo siempre cierro la llave del lavabo cuando no la estoy usando para que no se desperdicie ni una gota. También reúso el agua que se quedó en un vaso de agua y nadie se lo tomó y la pongo en un florero con bellas flores. Por último, cuando visitmaos el mar, nunca tiro basura en el por qué si se contamina el agua, entonces los peces morirían y el mar se secaría y no habría... Continue reading

  • Cuidar el agua es muy fácil

    by Sophia Hernandez, over 2 years ago

    Mi nombre es Sophia, tengo 6 años y mi historia de conservación de agua que quiero compartirles es muy sencilla y fácil de hacer:

    Yo siempre cierro la llave del lavabo cuando no la estoy usando para que no se desperdicie ni una gota. También reúso el agua que se quedó en un vaso de agua y nadie se lo tomó y la pongo en un florero con bellas flores. Por último, cuando visitmaos el mar mar, nunca tiro basura en el por qué si se contamina el agua, entonces los peces morirían y el mar se secaría y no... Continue reading


    by lcitarella, over 2 years ago

    Hola; soy una ciudadana de colombia, que sabe desde hace mucho tiempo la importancia del agua y la conservacion del medio ambiente.
    Cuando mi hija nacio, tuvimos una seria y prolongada restriccion de agua y electricidad en mi pais. Este tiempo me enseno que si no queremos ver nuestro mundo destruido o aniquilidado por una guerra de agua, si no queremos ver un planeta, que se apague o mejor que se encienda poco a poco, si no queremos que nuestros hijos, nietos o bisnietos, hereden un planeta al borde de la exticion, debemos tomar medidas colectivas y de forma inmedita. ... Continue reading

  • Respeto al agua desde la niñez

    by Gris, over 2 years ago

    Hola mi nombre es griselda rivera y yo nací y creci en torreon coah México, desde pequeña supe lo que era respetar el agua en mi casa, gracias a mis padres este valor de respeto no solo al agua a tantísimas más, se los debo a ellos, porque ahora yo se los he inculcado a mis 3 hijos y a todos con quien comparto mi vida, en mexico el ahorro de agua en mi familia era primordial, recuerdo muy claro que en casa de la abuela tenían un bote grande de 44 galones aproximadamente y cada semana lo llenaban de... Continue reading

  • El valor de cuidar el agua desde pequeños

    by Susana, over 2 years ago

    Soy originaria de México y crecí en una Ciudad llamada Santiago de Querétaro, ubicada en el centro del país. Aunque vivíamos en un vecindario dentro de la ciudad, recuerdo que no siempre usamos agua en casa, a veces no contábamos con la suficiente agua ni para bañarnos, muchas veces usamos que almacenarla en cubetas, calentarla y bañarnos a jicarazos. Cada gota era preciosa y mas si aun estaba enjabonado o con shampoo en el cabello. Como cada vez era más común no tener agua en casa, mi Papa hizo un hoyo muy grande en el jardín y un día llego... Continue reading

Page last updated: 03 Dec 2024, 05:18 PM