Rainwater collection not happening

We own 40 acres in rural Mesa County, and we collect all of our irrigation water from our roofs, and then store it underground. That has allowed us a vegetable garden, 10 fruit trees, and some native plantings. However, due to the extreme drought conditions (basically one rain event spring, summer and fall), we have been unable to collect anywhere near enough water for irrigation. We have to drive some distance for water that we haul home.

In addition, we are volunteers with the BLM, helping to locate plants with enough seed to revegetate nearby burned areas. The sage plants we have found appear to be in very poor health, small, not at all robust and 98% have no significant flowers. On our 40 acres, much of which is sage, in most years there are large flower heads, but this year almost none have flowers. If the conditions continue, it will be impossible to grow our own food.

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P.seibold over 3 years ago
Hey Lee, I'm really interested in learning more about your involvement with BLM's plant propagation. Could you shoot me an email at Parker.seibold@gmail.com
mholcomb almost 4 years ago
Hi Lee. Could you email me directly? (megan.holcomb@state.co.us) Would love to talk to you more about this and your experience with plant propagation with BLM