Submit Urban Drought Stories
The State of Colorado and Municipal Water Task Force representatives are listening for stories of drought IMPACTS and drought RESILIENCE throughout 2021. These stories can be personal accounts and observations or public news media (e.g. links from local reporting). Stories may be added to and featured on the COLORADO DROUGHT STORY PROJECT at Currently this resource features agriculture stories from 2020. As drought conditions continue for our state, impacts extend to our urban and residential landscapes, necessitating conversations about how our urban environments are adapting to (or struggling to cope with) limited water availability statewide. Your participation can directly inform current and future statewide drought response efforts. Thank you for your willingness to engage!
Please submit your story links or summaries to DROUGHT@STATE.CO.US
NOTE: The primary audience for drought impact reports and success stories are the four interagency drought teams that collectively report to legislators and the Governor on recommended actions. Activity here is closely monitored by CWCB staff. Please note that all stories submitted will be part of the state's official record and subject to the Colorado Open Records Act.