As directed by House Bill 22-1151, the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) is in the process of developing a statewide Turf Replacement Program to incentivize the voluntary replacement of nonessential irrigated turf on residential, commercial, institutional or industrial properties in Colorado with less water-intensive, more water-wise landscape. More information on this program, including guidelines and details on the application process, will become available in Spring 2023.
Key Elements of HB 22-1151
What Does HB 22-1151 Call For?
Funding for expanding existing turf replacement programs.
Funding for development of new turf replacement programs.
Funding for new CWCB staff to do both.
Allocated Funding
HB 22-1151 allocates $2 million to fund this program. After considering staffing costs, CWCB estimates this equates to roughly $750,000 per funding cycle for FY 22-23 and FY 23-24.
That money would be split up with ~$550,000/funding cycle going to the approximately 22 existing programs and ~$200,000 going to the development of new programs
This funding has expiration dates built into in legislation, but because the program has a seasonal component CWCB anticipates breaking the funding into two funding/rebate cycles.
How Can the Money Be Used?
Funding more square footage
Funding to increase rebates
Funding to pay for removal
Funding to work on a project
When Will this Program Start?
The program is anticipated to be up and running by July 2023 at the latest.
CWCB hopes to have additional information on the program ready in Spring 2023.
As directed by House Bill 22-1151, the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) is in the process of developing a statewide Turf Replacement Program to incentivize the voluntary replacement of nonessential irrigated turf on residential, commercial, institutional or industrial properties in Colorado with less water-intensive, more water-wise landscape. More information on this program, including guidelines and details on the application process, will become available in Spring 2023.
Key Elements of HB 22-1151
What Does HB 22-1151 Call For?
Funding for expanding existing turf replacement programs.
Funding for development of new turf replacement programs.
Funding for new CWCB staff to do both.
Allocated Funding
HB 22-1151 allocates $2 million to fund this program. After considering staffing costs, CWCB estimates this equates to roughly $750,000 per funding cycle for FY 22-23 and FY 23-24.
That money would be split up with ~$550,000/funding cycle going to the approximately 22 existing programs and ~$200,000 going to the development of new programs
This funding has expiration dates built into in legislation, but because the program has a seasonal component CWCB anticipates breaking the funding into two funding/rebate cycles.
How Can the Money Be Used?
Funding more square footage
Funding to increase rebates
Funding to pay for removal
Funding to work on a project
When Will this Program Start?
The program is anticipated to be up and running by July 2023 at the latest.
CWCB hopes to have additional information on the program ready in Spring 2023.