Water Plan Projects
Consultation has concluded
The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) works to promote projects in each of Colorado's major river basins. Unlike other states, Colorado does not directly build many of its water projects, and instead, partners with local groups to develop water projects. The CWCB provides grant funding and other support to groups like the nine basin roundtables who are the major drivers of local water planning and key players in developing water projects.
As the basins update their Basin Implementation Plans and gather data about local projects, the state is working alongside them to develop a projects database - sometimes called an Identified Projects & Processes (IPP) database. The projects database will be a dynamic list of all the water projects underway across the state that can be updated and added to.
Basins have been working to gather information about local projects that will allow them to prioritize these projects into tiers based on how quickly they could begin. In July 2020, the Governor announced that one of his Wildly Important Goals will support this effort - aiming to gather 500 projects with good data that are ready to launch by June of 2021.
Learn more about the grassroots basin roundtable process and the original 2015 Basin Implementation Plans here.