Thirty projects across Colorado will implement drought resilience strategies in 2023.
The Colorado Water Conservation Board approved a grant for the Colorado Agricultural Water Alliance (CAWA) to develop and test early-stage projects that have the potential to reduce water use, improve water management, and demonstrate drought resilience and adaptation.
Through a competitive process, CAWA and project partners selected 30 projects to be implemented in 2023 which will explore:
Drought-tolerant crops and forages
Irrigation delivery methods
Grazing management
Soil health
These on-the-ground projects will collect information on water use and provide insight into the potential sustainability and scalability of the tested strategies.
*Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) supports multiple grants and does not own the end products of those grant or universally support every grant it funds. However, this agricultural grant initiative features CWCB representation on the Advisory Committee and works to support goals outlined in the 2023 Colorado Water Plan to hold an innovation challenge in each of the four action areas of the Water Plan.
Thirty projects across Colorado will implement drought resilience strategies in 2023.
The Colorado Water Conservation Board approved a grant for the Colorado Agricultural Water Alliance (CAWA) to develop and test early-stage projects that have the potential to reduce water use, improve water management, and demonstrate drought resilience and adaptation.
Through a competitive process, CAWA and project partners selected 30 projects to be implemented in 2023 which will explore:
Drought-tolerant crops and forages
Irrigation delivery methods
Grazing management
Soil health
These on-the-ground projects will collect information on water use and provide insight into the potential sustainability and scalability of the tested strategies.
*Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) supports multiple grants and does not own the end products of those grant or universally support every grant it funds. However, this agricultural grant initiative features CWCB representation on the Advisory Committee and works to support goals outlined in the 2023 Colorado Water Plan to hold an innovation challenge in each of the four action areas of the Water Plan.
Page last updated: 03 Dec 2024, 04:52 PM
Grant Awarded 9/21/22
Agricultural Drought Resiliency has finished this stage
The CWCB approved CAWA's grant submission.
CAWA Submission Deadline 12/1/ 2022
Agricultural Drought Resiliency has finished this stage
Projects Selected 12/20/2022
Agricultural Drought Resiliency has finished this stage
Projects Implemented in 2023
Agricultural Drought Resiliency is currently at this stage
For project questions contatct:
Greg Peterson - Colorado Ag Water Alliance Phone: (720) 244-4629 Email:
Phil Brink - Colorado Cattlemens’ Association Phone: (303) 475-3453 Email: